"The call to Carmel is a call to an extraordinary way of life ... a sublime vocation, but it is offered to ordinary modern young Catholic women no different from yourselves. This call is a personal invitation from God Himself to a life of intimacy with Him ."

".. How Do I Know If God Is Calling Me To The Consecrated Life?"


A vocation may begin with a thought or an idea, even, a vision! Sometimes, it is the result of a profound spiritual experience... A vocation is NOT a choice. A vocation is a CALL. The Lord's authority and His alone is the source of that call. It comes unexpectedly and without warning.

Pray and listen to what God speaks to your heart. The seed of vocation will bear fruit, if it is nurtured with constant prayer and faith. Begin with a simple prayer asking the "Lord of the Harvest" to send out Labourers to His Harvest...

".. I Have A Yearning For God And A Great Desire To Serve Others, But Sometimes I Get Confused And Distracted."


Contrary to popular belief that worldly distractions are a hindrance to a vocation, we believe that the new age of technology might actually bring forth a harvest of vocations to the consecrated life. Thanks to television, young people are horrified and outraged among other things, by the war in Kosovo and the plight of the refugees in Afghanistan. Today, we see more and more youth involved in social service projects which fight poverty, illiteracy and moral degradation. Some take an active role in campaigning against abortion and social discrimination. Led by a thirst for justice and truth, THE YOUTH TODAY ARE MORE COMMITTED THAN EVER TO SERVING OTHERS AND FINDING A SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEMS OF SOCIETY.

".. Can I Not Serve God And The Community Without Joining A Religious Community? What, Then, Is Special About The Consecrated Life?"


Every Catholic through his / her baptismal calling, is called to participate in God's work of salvation and to carry the gospel into their everyday activities.

While the most natural and common thing would be to serve God as a lay person, there are those (the consecrated religious) who live for God alone, in their desire to love Him "exclusilvely". In short, they have remained single "for the Lord", as the beautiful phrase goes. Observing chastity all their lives, they have chosen to give up wealth, fame, power and other worldly desires in their holy resolution of following Christ more closely. The gift of consecrated (vowed) life offers a means for limitless growth in love and frees them for selfless service in the Church. By belonging to a religious congregation or group, they have the advantage of a specific spirituality and way of life to help them live their consecration to God.

".. How Do I Know If The Apostolic Carmel Congregation Is For Me?"


Every Congregation, like every person, is blessed with a special CHARISM - to serve God in one way or another. A vocation to the Apostolic Carmel combines the spirituality and contemplation of Carmel with the mission of serving and building up God's community on earth. We, at Apostolic Carmel, recognize the Spirit’s call to women of goodwill, trusting in His abundance to answer their needs to be outstanding in holiness and living witnesses of God's mercy and unchanging love in the world. With a history of dedicated religious sisters behind us and the timeless message of Jesus before us, we continue the work modeled for us by our foundress, Mother Veronica. This third millennium, our Congregation endeavours to go forward in strength and work with greater zeal in the tasks assigned to us in the fields of education, vocational training, health care for the poor and aged, pastoral ministry, counselling and community welfare.

".. Where Do I Go From Here?


If you are a single Catholic woman, above the age of nineteen, earnestly seeking God and desiring to live the Gospel values within the Apostolic Carmel Tradition, we invite you to consider life with us and help us to carry on our mission. The future of our apostolic work is in the hands of generous young women like YOU.

For a start, we will be happy to hear from you - please write to us at one of the addresses given below. Better still -- come and see -- visit us at one of our convents and experience for yourself the peace and joy of our community life.

".. What Do I Need To Know About Religious Formation?"


The stages of initial formation help you to discern the call to the religious life. Full membership within the community takes place over several years. The following information will give you a glimpse of the first few years of life as a Sister of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation.

POSTULANCY - 1 year. This is the time of initial incorporation into the community while continuing the discernment process. You enter into the community's life of prayer and work, and begin initial study of the Apostolic Carmelite life.

NOVITIATE - 2 years. This is a special time of immersion into the life of the Congregation through prayer, study, and solitude. You will deepen your knowledge and understanding of the charism, history, and constitution of the Congregation. As a novice you continue your discernment with the Formation Directress as to your desire and suitability for life within our community.

JUNIORATE - 5 years. Upon completion of the novitiate, you commit yourself to seek God through the vowed life of Chastity, Poverty and Obedience as you more deeply integrate the values of the Congregation into your personal life.

PERPETUAL COMMITMENT - The taking of final vows is a lifelong commitment of seeking God in this particular Congregation. Your process of personal growth and conversion continues as you serve the community and God's people by witnessing to Gospel values according to the Apostolic Carmel Rule, while striving to bring about a more just society.


You Are Called To Make A Difference!

But the Lord said to me, Do not say, ‘I am only a youth’; for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Be not afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord.

- Jeremiah 1:7-8